About Vietnamese Community in Australia- WA

• Promote and Preserve Vietnamese Culture in Australia in line with the Multicultural policy of Australia. (e.g. Organise and encourage Vietnamese-Australian people to participate in Vietnamese traditional and cultural events such as Tet Festival, Lantern festival, and King Hung & the Trung Sisters Commemoration)

• Assist the Vietnamese refugees, migrants and their families to successfully integrate into the Australian multicultural society.

• Create and enhance a communal spirit among the various associations and members in the Vietnamese Community.

• Promote cross cultural understanding and community harmony.

What are the values of the Vietnamese Community in Australia / WA Chapter Inc.?

We Value:

•           Community

•           Compassion

•           Human Right

What is Emergency Relief?

Emergency Relief is the provision of practical assistance to those people who find themselves in financial or material crisis. This assistance can take various forms including; food parcels, food vouchers or clothing vouchers; and/or linkages to specialist services to address identified needs.  Emergency Relief is designed to assist people experiencing a temporary crisis situation in a way that maintains dignity and encourages self-reliance. It is expected that in most cases assistance will be for a one-off purpose.

Service Standards

Within the resources of this service we will:

•           Adhere to established opening times

•           Assist clients to address their immediate crisis situation

•           Assess each application on an individual basis

•           Encourage client independence, and development of self-esteem

•           Assist clients to address long term needs by the provision

appropriate referrals to other services

•           Advocate, where appropriate, with and on behalf of clients

•           Advocate for social justice

As a client of the Vietnsmese Community in Australia / WA Chapter Inc. Support Services you have both

rights and responsibilities with regard to the services you are provided:

Your Rights

You have the right to:

•           Be provided a service in a safe environment free from physical,

sexual, emotional, racial or verbal abuse

•           Be provided a service that is friendly, respectful and nonjudgmental

•           Be treated according to your individual needs and to take part in

decision making and choice of assistance

•           Be informed about services available from this programme

•           Have information about you kept confidential unless otherwise

required by law. You will be advised of any requirements in this regard

•           Be able to express your views about the service without being discriminated against

•           Receive a service which is sensitive to your cultural, linguistic

and religious background and which demonstrates respectful, culturally competent practices

•           Be referred, where possible, to other services more able to meet your needs


Your Responsibilities

You have the responsibility to:

•           Contribute to the safety of yourself and others in this service, and

to refrain from physical, sexual, emotional, racial or verbal abuse

•           Treat others with respect and courtesy

•           Take part in the assessment process so that we can make an

individual response to your needs

•           Be open to available options during the assessment process

•           Respect the rights of others, including their rights to privacy and confidentiality

•           Cooperate with the complaint procedure so that a fair resolution

to a complaint may be reached

•           Be sensitive to the cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds of others

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